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Vinllen Chen




0. 普通hash表


1. hmap结构


/* A hash map. */
struct hmap {  
    struct hmap_node **buckets; /* Must point to 'one' iff 'mask' == 0. */
    struct hmap_node *one;
    size_t mask;
    size_t n;
  1. buckets为指向hmap_node结构的二维指针,相当于之前所说的hash表中的一维数组,当mask为0时指向one节点。
  2. one为特殊节点,如上所说。
  3. mask为掩码,同一条单向链表的所有元素的值在经过与掩码“与运算”之后的值一致。
  4. n表示hmap_node的节点个数。


/* A hash map node, to be embedded inside the data structure being mapped. */
struct hmap_node {  
    size_t hash;                /* Hash value. */
    struct hmap_node *next;     /* Next in linked list. */

2. hmap操作


2.1 初始化

/* Initializes 'hmap' as an empty hash table. */
hmap_init(struct hmap *hmap)  
    hmap->buckets = &hmap->one;
    hmap->one = NULL;
    hmap->mask = 0;
    hmap->n = 0;


2.2 删除


/* Frees memory reserved by 'hmap'.  It is the client's responsibility to free
 * the nodes themselves, if necessary. */
hmap_destroy(struct hmap *hmap)  
    if (hmap && hmap->buckets != &hmap->one) {


/* Removes all node from 'hmap', leaving it ready to accept more nodes.  Does
 * not free memory allocated for 'hmap'.
 * This function is appropriate when 'hmap' will soon have about as many
 * elements as it before.  If 'hmap' will likely have fewer elements than
 * before, use hmap_destroy() followed by hmap_clear() to save memory and
 * iteration time. */
hmap_clear(struct hmap *hmap)  
    if (hmap->n > 0) {
        hmap->n = 0;
        memset(hmap->buckets, 0, (hmap->mask + 1) * sizeof *hmap->buckets);


/* Removes 'node' from 'hmap'.  Does not shrink the hash table; call
 * hmap_shrink() directly if desired. */
static inline void  
hmap_remove(struct hmap *hmap, struct hmap_node *node)  
    struct hmap_node **bucket = &hmap->buckets[node->hash & hmap->mask];//选择一维数组的头,也就是寻找相同mask之后值的单链表表头
    while (*bucket != node) {
        bucket = &(*bucket)->next;
    *bucket = node->next;//注意bucket是二维指针,此操作相当于删除节点,并把指针域指向下一个节点

2.3 插入


/* Inserts 'node', with the given 'hash', into 'hmap'.  'hmap' is never
 * expanded automatically. */
static inline void  
hmap_insert_fast(struct hmap *hmap, struct hmap_node *node, size_t hash)  
    struct hmap_node **bucket = &hmap->buckets[hash & hmap->mask]; //参见hmap_remove
    node->hash = hash;
    node->next = *bucket; //头插法
    *bucket = node;


/* Inserts 'node', with the given 'hash', into 'hmap', and expands 'hmap' if
 * necessary to optimize search performance.
 * ('where' is used in debug logging.  Commonly one would use hmap_insert() to
 * automatically provide the caller's source file and line number for
 * 'where'.) */
static inline void  
hmap_insert_at(struct hmap *hmap, struct hmap_node *node, size_t hash,  
               const char *where)
    hmap_insert_fast(hmap, node, hash); //包裹函数,调用hmap_insert_fast
    if (hmap->n / 2 > hmap->mask) { //超过装填因子,需扩张
        hmap_expand_at(hmap, where);


/* Expands 'hmap', if necessary, to optimize the performance of searches.
 * ('where' is used in debug logging.  Commonly one would use hmap_expand() to
 * automatically provide the caller's source file and line number for
 * 'where'.) */
hmap_expand_at(struct hmap *hmap, const char *where)  
    size_t new_mask = calc_mask(hmap->n); //根据n计算目前的最大容量
    if (new_mask > hmap->mask) { //超过最大容量,进行扩张
        resize(hmap, new_mask, where);


static size_t  
calc_mask(size_t capacity)  
    size_t mask = capacity / 2;
    mask |= mask >> 1;
    mask |= mask >> 2;
    mask |= mask >> 4;
    mask |= mask >> 8;
    mask |= mask >> 16;
    mask |= mask >> 32;

    /* If we need to dynamically allocate buckets we might as well allocate at
     * least 4 of them. */
    mask |= (mask & 1) << 1;

    return mask;


static void  
resize(struct hmap *hmap, size_t new_mask, const char *where)  
    struct hmap tmp;
    size_t i;

    ovs_assert(is_pow2(new_mask + 1));

    if (new_mask) {
        tmp.buckets = xmalloc(sizeof *tmp.buckets * (new_mask + 1));
        tmp.mask = new_mask;
        for (i = 0; i <= tmp.mask; i++) {
            tmp.buckets[i] = NULL;
    for (i = 0; i <= hmap->mask; i++) {
        struct hmap_node *node, *next;
        int count = 0;
        for (node = hmap->buckets[i]; node; node = next) {
            next = node->next;
            hmap_insert_fast(&tmp, node, node->hash);
        if (count > 5) {
            static struct vlog_rate_limit rl = VLOG_RATE_LIMIT_INIT(10, 10);
            VLOG_DBG_RL(&rl, "%s: %d nodes in bucket (%"PRIuSIZE" nodes, %"PRIuSIZE" buckets)",
                        where, count, hmap->n, hmap->mask + 1);
    hmap_swap(hmap, &tmp);

  插入后n ++,如果n / 2 > mask(超过规定的装填因子),则将进行扩容。扩容的方法如下:
1. 计算新的mask值,比如n为17,则mask的值为 n / 2 = 8后再按位或1(即各位都取1),mask = 15。简单来说,也就是将老的mask左移1位再低位取1。
2. 根据新的mask值构造新的hmap结构。对于新的mask为15,则将构造16个bucket,编号分别是0~15。
3. 将原来hmap结构中的node结点按新的 hash & mask 的值插入新的bucket。
4. 交换新旧两个hmap指针,达到更新的目的。



About the author

vinllen chen

Beijing, China



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